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Akasia: Cinta tersembunyi |
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Flowering Almond - pengharapan |
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Biji ek - kekuatan |
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Agapanthus - Cinta |
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Allium - Kesatuan |
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Amarilis - Kebanggaan |
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Allysum - Lbh berharga dr kecantikan |
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Rempah2 - Belas Kasihan |
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Bunga Apel - Kesukaan |
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Arbutus - 1-1nya tercinta |
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Anthurium - Pecinta |
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Anemone -expektasi |
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Alstromeria - Kesejahteraan |
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Amerika Elm - Patriotisme |
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Ambrosia - Cinta terbalaskan |
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Ash tree - Kemegahan |
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Pakis - daya tarik |
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Astillbe - aku menunggu |
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Aster - Keanekaragaman |
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Accorn - Biji ek = kekuatan, daya tahan |
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Acacia -Akasia: Cinta tersembunyi, cinta suci |
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Flowering Almond - pengharapan |
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Azalea - cinta pertama |
- ACACIA - Akasia: cinta tersembunyi, cinta suci.
- ACORNS - Biji Buah Ek: kekuatan, daya tahan.
- AGAPANTHUS - Lily of the Nile - Bunga Bakung dari sungai nil: surat cinta, cinta.
- ALIUM: Kesatuan.
- ALMOND, FLOWERING: Pengharapan.
- ALLSPICE - Rempah-rempah: Belas kasihan
- ALSTROMERIA - miniature lily - Peruvian Lily - Lily of Incas: Kesejahteraan, kemakmuran, keberuntungan. Di namakan sama dengan penemunya Baron Claus VON Alstromer, seorang Swedia yang mengkoleksi seeds dalam perjalanannya ke Spanyol tahun 1753.
- ALYSSUM: Lebih Berharga dari kecantikan
- AMARYLLIS - Amarilis: Pride, beauty.Legend has it that the amaryllis - the stunning red flower we've come
to associate with the holidays - began as a shy, timid nymph.
Amaryllis fell deeply in love with Alteo, a shepherd with Hercules'
strength and Apollo's beauty, but her affections were unrequited.
Hoping that she could win him over by bestowing upon him the thing he
desired most - a flower so unique it had never existed in the world
before - Amaryllis sought advice from the oracle of Delphi.
Following his instructions, Amaryllis dressed in maiden's white and appeared at Alteo's door for 30 nights, each time piercing her heart with a golden arrow. When at last Alteo opened his door, there before him was a striking crimson flower, sprung from the blood of Amaryllis's heart. With this romantic - albeit tragic - tale as its beginning, it's not surprising that today the amaryllis has come to symbolize pride, determination and radiant beauty. - AMBROSIA: Love is reciprocated.
- AMERICAN ELM - Pohon Elm: Patriotisme.
- ANEMONE: Di tinggalkan, Ekspextasi expectation.The name anemone comes from the Greek word for “windflower.”
According to Greek mythology, the anemone sprang from Aphrodite’s tears
as she mourned the death of Adonis. Thought to bring luck and protect
against evil, legend has it that when the anemone closes its petals,
it’s a signal that rain is approaching. Still other mythology connects
the anemone to magical fairies, who were believed to sleep under the
petals after they closed at sunset. Perhaps it’s because of this
magical and prophetic tales that today in the language of flowers,
anemones represent anticipation
- ANTHURIUM - Tail Flower: Pencinta.With their open, heart-shaped flowers and tropical disposition, it’s no wonder that anthurium have come to symbolize hospitality. Also known as the Flamingo Flower, Boy Flower, Painted Tongue and Painter’s Palette – because of their distinctive shape and color – the name anthurium comes from Greek, meaning “tail flower.” Exotic and compelling, with bold, typically red flowers and shiny, dark green foliage, anthurium, like the hospitality they represent, are long-lasting and irresistibly beautiful.
- APPLE BLOSSOMS: Good fortune, preference.
- ARBUTUS: Satu-satunya yang kucinta.
- ASH TREE: Kemegahan.
- ASPARAGUS FERN: Fascination - daya tarik.
- ASTER: Variety, elegance, daintiness. This purple wildflower was once burned by the ancients because they believed the resulting smoke would drive away evil. It was named for the Latin word for "star." Also known as the birth flower for September.With their wildflower beauty and lush texture, asters have long been considered an enchanted flower. In ancient times, it was thought that the perfume from their burning leaves could drive away evil serpents. Today, they’re known as a talisman of love and a symbol of patience. Also known as starworts, Michaelmas daisies or Frost flowers, the name aster is derived from the Greek word for “star,” and its star-like flowers can be found in a rainbow of colors – white, red, pink, purple, lavender and blue, with mostly yellow centers. The September birth flower, asters also hold the honor of being the 20th wedding anniversary flower.
- ASTILBE: I'll still be waiting.
- AZALEA: Love, romance, first love, fragile passion, temperance. It is also the Chinese symbol of womanhood and femininity.
- BABY'S BREATH: Innocence.
- BACHELOR'S BUTTON: Single blessedness, felicity, celibacy.
- BALSAM: Ardent love.
- BAMBOO: Strength, loyalty, steadfastness.
- BASIL: Best wishes.
- BAY WREATH: Merit reward.
- BEECH TREE: Prosperity.
- BEGONIA: Be cordial, fanciful nature, beware.
- BELLS OF IRELAND: Good luck, gratitude, whimsy.
- BIRCH: Meekness.
- BIRD OF PARADISE: Magnificence.Bearing an unmistakable resemblance to a brightly colored bird in
flight, bird of paradise are native to south Africa and represent
joyfulness and (not surprisingly) paradise itself. Also known as Crane
flowers, they are distinctive and striking, spectacularly shaped like a
bird’s beak and plumage. Bird of Paradise are the 9th wedding anniversary flower.
- BLACK POPLAR: Courage.
- BLUEBELL: Humility, constancy, grief.
- BLUEBERRY: Prayer.
- Blue flowers hold a special significance in the language of flowers
and apparently – given their long-standing popularity – a special
place in our hearts as well. Whether it’s the deep blue petals of an
iris or the light blue lace of hydrangea, the wildflower beauty of
blue star anemone and commelina or the dramatic arch of blue
delphinium, blue flowers offer a cooling antidote to our
over-stimulated lives and anxious days.
A color that is known to hold universal appeal, blue plays a significant role in many cultures’ religious rituals and ceremonies. It’s said that the Western tradition of a bride wearing something blue is tied to the color’s symbolism of faithfulness and loyalty. In its dark, regal tones, blue can express trustworthiness, confidence, intelligence and unity, which explains why it’s frequently the color of police uniforms, why the blue “power suit” is an icon of the business world and why winners of competitions receive blue ribbons. And yet, in its softer hues, blue can embody the uplifting spirit of a sunny sky or soothing ocean – perhaps explaining why so many of us choose blue flowers when we want to send a message of calming beauty, tranquility and peace. - BOUVARDIA: Enthusiasm.Named after Charles Bouvard, the personal physician to Louis XIII and the superintendent of the Royal Gardens in Paris, modern varieties of bouvardia have names such as Pink Luck, Albatross and Royal Katty. Their star-like flowers grow in clusters on thin, branching stems, like small flower bouquets in soft shades of pink, white, yellow, salmon and red. With a delicate scent and feminine appearance, in the language of flowers, bouvardia represent enthusiasm.
- BROOM: Humility, neatness.
- BUGLE: Lovable, cheers the heart.
- BUTTERCUP: Childishness, riches, ingratitude.
- BUTTERFLY WEED: Let me go.
- CACTUS: Endurance, warmth.
- CALENDULA: Grace, grief, jealousy. Also the birth flower for October.
- CALLA LILY: Magnificent beauty. Associated with the sixth wedding anniversary.
- CAMELLIA: Gratitude, loveliness.
- CAMELLIA, PINK: Longing for you.
- CAMELLIA, RED: You're a flame in my heart.
- CAMELLIA, WHITE: You're adorable.
- CARNATION: Fascination, distinction, divine love, woman, yes. Also the birth flower for January.With a history that dates back more than 2,000 years, it's not
surprising that carnations are rich with symbolism, mythology and even
debate. While some scholars suggest that their name comes from the word
“corone” (flower garlands) or “coronation” because of its use in Greek
ceremonial crowns, others propose that it’s derived from from the
Latin “carnis” (flesh) referring to the flower’s original pinkish-hued
color or “incarnacyon” (incarnation), referring to the incarnation of
God-made flesh.
Today, carnations can be found in a wide range of colors, and while in general they express love, fascination and distinction, virtually every color carries a unique and rich association. White carnations suggest pure love and good luck, light red symbolizes admiration, while dark red represents deep love and affection. Purple carnations imply capriciousness, and pink carnations carry the greatest significance, beginning with the belief that they first appeared on earth from the Virgin Mary’s tears – making them the symbol of a mother’s undying love.
Worn on Mother’s Day, Teacher’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day (in green, of course) and at weddings, this hardy, sweetly fragrant flower is also the state flower of Ohio, the January birth flower and the 1st wedding anniversary flower. - CARNATION, PINK: A woman's love, I'll never forget you, mother's love.
- CARNATION, PURPLE: Capriciousness.
- CARNATION, RED: Alas for my poor heart, admiration, my heart aches for you, friendship, pride, fascination.
- CARNATION, STRIPED: Refusal, No, sorry I can't be with you.
- CARNATION, WHITE: Innocence, faithfulness, sweet and lovely, pure love, ardent love, good luck. These lovely flowers have lasting qualities, and are often handed out on Mother's Day to symbolize the purity and strength of motherhood. They were handed out at the first Mother's Day service in 1908.
- CARNATION, YELLOW: Disdain, rejection, you have disappointed me.
- CATTAIL: Peace, prosperity.
- CEDAR: Strength.
- CHESTNUT TREE: Justice, luxury.
- CHRISTMAS/LENTEN ROSE (HELLEBORE): Beautiful year ahead.
- CHRYSANTHEMUM: Cheerfulness, optimism, rest, truth, long life,
joy. Considered to be a noble flower in Asian culture, mums are used as
an object of meditation per a suggestion by Confucius. Also the birth
flower for November.With a history that dates back to 15th century B.C., chrysanthemum
mythology is filled with a multitude of stories and symbolism. Named
from the Greek prefix “chrys-“ meaning golden (its original color) and
“-anthemion,” meaning flower, years of artful cultivation have produced
a full range of colors, from white to purple to red. Daisy-like with a
typically yellow center and a decorative pompon, chrysanthemums
symbolize optimism and joy. They’re the November birth flower, the 13th wedding anniversary flower
and the official flower of the city of Chicago. In Japan, there’s even
a “Festival of Happiness” to celebrate this flower each year.
A symbol of the sun, the Japanese consider the orderly unfolding of the chrysanthemum’s petals to represent perfection, and Confucius once suggested they be used as an object of meditation. It’s said that a single petal of this celebrated flower placed at the bottom of a wine glass will encourage a long and healthy life.
- CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE: Truth, loyal love.
- CLEMATIS: Clever, intellectual. Associated with the eighth wedding anniversary.
- CLOVER, FOUR-LEAF: Good luck, be mine. Faith, hope, love, and luck are represented by the four leaves. If you give your lover a four-leaf clover that you found, you belong to each other.
- CLOVES: Dignity.
- COLUMBINE: Salvation, strength, wisdom.
- COREOPSIS: Cheerful.
- CORN: Riches.
- CORNFLOWER: Delicacy.
- COSMOS: Modesty. Associated with the 2nd wedding anniversary.
- COWSLIP: Grace, beauty.
- CRANBERRY: Heartache cure.
- CROCUS: Cheerfulness, gladness, abuse not.
- CYCLAMEN: Resignation, good-bye.
- CYPRESS: Mourning, death.
- DAFFODIL: Regard, rebirth, new beginnings, unrequited love,
you're the only one, chivalry, eternal life. Associated with the tenth
wedding anniversary. Also the birth flower for March and the national
symbol of Wales.Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings, the daffodil is virtually
synonymous with spring. Though their botanic name is narcissus,
daffodils are sometimes called jonquils, and in England, because of
their long association with Lent, they’re known as the “Lent Lily.”
Lore connecting the daffodil to not only a sign of winter’s end but a
lucky emblem of future prosperity is found throughout the world. In
Wales, it’s said if you spot the first daffodil of the season, your next
12 months will be filled with wealth, and Chinese legend has it that
if a daffodil bulb is forced to bloom during the New Year, it will
bring good luck to your home.
The March birth flower and the 10th wedding anniversary flower, a gift of daffodils is said to ensure happiness. But always remember to present daffodils in a bunch – the same legends that associate this cheerful flower with good fortune warn us that when given as a single bloom, a daffodil can foretell misfortune. - DAFFODIL, SINGLE: Misfortune.
- DAFFODIL, SEVERAL: Joy, happiness.
- DAHLIA: Instability, dignity, forever, good taste. Associated with the fourteenth wedding anniversary.
- DAISY: Innocence, loyal love, I'll never tell, purity, love that conquers all, beauty, simplicity. Associated with the fifth wedding anniversary.
- DANDELION: Faithfulness, happiness, love's oracle.
- DAY LILY: Coquetry, Chinese emblem for mother. Associated with the twentieth wedding anniversary.
- DELPHINIUM: Big-hearted, fun.
- DOGWOOD: Durability.
- ELDER: Zealousness.
- ELDERBERRY: Zeal, kindness.
- ELM: Dignity.
- EREMURUS: Endurance.
- EUPHORBIA: Persistence.
- FENNEL: Strength, praise.
- FERN: Sincerity, magic, fascination, confidence, shelter.
- FEVERFEW: Good health.
- FILBERT: Reconciliation.
- FIR: Time.
- FLAX: Domestic symbol, fate, kindness.
- FLEUR-DE-LIS: Flame.
- FLYTRAP: Deceit.
- FORGET-ME-NOT: True love, hope, remembrance, memories.
- FORSYTHIA: Anticipation.
- FOXGLOVE: Insincerity.
- FREESIA: Innocence, thoughtfulness.Named after the German physician Friedrich Heinrich Theodor Freese,
freesia – with their bell-shaped blooms and sweet, citrus scent – are
among the most popular fragrant flowers. And, while in most cases the
white variation of a flower is the most fragrant, in the case of
freesia, the pink and red varieties are actually more highly scented.
With their wiry stems and delicate blooms, it’s not surprising that
one of the most popular freesia varieties is named Ballerina.
The 7th wedding anniversary flower, in the language of flowers, freesia are said to symbolize innocence and friendship.
- FUSCHIA: Taste. Associated with the third wedding anniversary
- GARDENIA: You're lovely, secret love, joy, sweet love, good luck.
- GARLIC CHIVES: Protection, courage, strength.
- GERANIUM: Stupidity, folly, comfort, gentility. Associated with the fourth wedding anniversary.
- GINGER: Strength, safe, pleasant, warming, comforting.
- GLADIOLUS: Strength of character, remembrance, infatuation,
splendid beauty, give me a break, I'm really sincere, flower of the
Gladiators, admiration, tells recipients that they pierce the heart like
a sword. Because the gladiolus has blade-shaped leaves, the name comes
from the Latin word gladius which means sword. Also the birthflower for
August.Named for the shape of their leaves, gladioli – from the Latin word
“gladius,” meaning sword – have a history than spans from Africa to the
Mediterranean. Symbolizing strength and moral integrity, gladioli also
represent infatuation, with a bouquet conveying to a recipient that
they pierce the giver’s heart with passion. Striking and colorful
with towering stems, this August birth flower and 40th wedding anniversary flower evoke the drama of Roman gladiators.
- GLOXINA: Love at first sight.
- GOLDENROD: Encouragement.
- HAZEL: Reconciliation.
- HEATHER, LAVENDER: Admiration, solitude, beauty.Heather’s scientific name, “Calluna vulgaris,” comes from the Greek
“Kallune,” meaning “to clean or brush,” and the Latin “vulgaris,”
meaning “common,” as heather twigs were once used for making brooms.
Native to Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Russia and North America,
heather branches are also said to have been used to make baskets, rope,
bedding, as thatch for roofs and even to flavor beer or tea. Today,
it’s the beautiful heather flowers—in colors ranging from white to
pink, purple and red – that draw our attention. Symbolizing admiration
and good luck, heather is also believed have protective powers.
- HEATHER, WHITE: Protection, wishes will come true.
- HEN-AND-CHICKENS: Welcome home husband however drunk you are.
- HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.
- HOLLY: Foresight, defense, domestic happiness, enchantment.
- HOLLY BERRIES: Christmas joy.
- HOLLYHOCK: Ambition, fruitfulness. Associated with the thirteenth wedding anniversary.
- HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of love, generous, devoted affection.
- HOPS: Mirth.
- HOSTA: Devotion.
- HUCKLEBERRY: Simple pleasure.
- HYACINTH: Sport, play, games, rashness, flower dedicated to Apollo.Legend has it the origin of hyacinth, the highly fragrant,
bell-shaped flower, can be traced back to a young Greek boy named
Hyakinthos. As the story goes, two gods – Apollo the sun god, and
Zephyr the god of the west wind – adored Hyakinthos and competed for
his attention. One day, while Apollo was teaching Hyakinthos the art
of throwing a discus, Zephyr, in a jealous rage, blew the discus back,
killing Hyakinthos with a strike to the head. Apollo named the flower
that grew from Hyakinthos’s blood hyacinth.
Symbolizing sport or play in the language of flowers, hyacinth represent constancy, while blue hyacinth expresses sincerity.
- HYACINTH, BLUE: Constancy.
- HYACINTH, PURPLE: I am sorry, sorrow, please forgive me.
- HYACINTH, WHITE: Loveliness, I'll pray for you.
- HYDRANGEA: Thank you for understanding, frigidity, heartlessness, heartless.First discovered in Japan, the name hydrangea comes from the Greek
“hydor,” meaning water, and “angos,” meaning jar or vessel. This
roughly translates to “water barrel,” referring to the hydrangea’s
need for plenty of water and its cup-shaped flower. With its wooden
stems and lacy, star-shaped flowers packed closely together in a
pompom, the hydrangea’s color ranges from white to blue to pink and
purple, determined by the acidity level of the soil.
There remains some debate over the hydrangea’s symbolism – with some connecting it to vanity and boastfulness (perhaps reflecting its abundance of petals and lavish, rounded shape) and others suggesting that a bouquet of hydrangea expresses the giver’s gratefulness for the recipient’s understanding. Still others suggest it represents anything that’s sincerely heartfelt. Despite this variation in flower meaning, there appears to be an overwhelming consensus that this 4th wedding anniversary flower possesses enduring grace and beauty.
- IRIS: Wisdom, Fleur-de-lis, emblem of France, valued friendship, faith, hope, valor, my compliments, passion. Associated with the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.The iris's mythology dates back to Ancient Greece, when the goddess
Iris, who personified the rainbow (the Greek word for iris), acted as
the link between heaven and earth. It's said that purple irises were
planted over the graves of women to summon the goddess Iris to guide
them in their journey to heaven. Irises became linked to the French
monarchy during the Middle Ages, eventually being recognized as their
national symbol, the fleur-de-lis.
The February birth flower, the 25th wedding anniversary flower and the state flower of Tennessee, the iris's three upright petals are said to symbolize faith, valor and wisdom.
- IRIS, BLUE: Faith, hope.
- IRIS, PURPLE: Wisdom, compliments.
- IRIS, YELLOW: Passion.
- IRIS, WHITE: Purity.
- IVY: Fidelity, wedded love, friendship, affection, marriage, wedded love.
- IXIA: Happiness.
- JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT: Associated with the seventh wedding anniversary.
- JACOB'S LADDER: Come down.
- JASMINE, WHITE or INDIAN: Amiability , I attach myself to you, sensuality, attachment.
- JASMINE, SPANISH: Sensuality.
- JASMINE, YELLOW: Grace, elegance.
- JONQUIL: Sympathy , love me, affection returned, desire.
- JUNIPER: Protection.
- LADY'S SLIPPER: Capricious beauty, win me.
- LAMB'S-EARS: Support.
- LANTANA: Rigour.
- LARKSPUR: Fickleness, ardent attachment, levity, lightness. Also the birth flower for July.Derived from the Greek word “delphis,” meaning dolphin, delphinium
are also commonly known as larkspur. Other names include Lark’s Heel,
Lark’s Claw and Knight’s Spur. Used by Native Americans and European
settlers to make blue dye, it’s believed that the most ancient use of
delphinium flowers was for driving away scorpions.
The July birth flower, these lush, dolphin-shaped flowers symbolize an open heart and ardent attachment and convey a feeling of lightness and levity.
- LARKSPUR, PINK: Fickleness.
- LARKSPUR, PURPLE: First love.
- LAUREL: Glory, success.
- LAVENDER: Devotion, ardent attachment, happiness, success, luck, distrust.
- LEATHERLEAF FERN: Fascination.
- LEMON BLOSSOMS: Faithful love.
- LILAC: Youthful, first love, humility, confidence.The story of lilac, according to Greek mythology, begins with a
beautiful nymph named Syringa (lilac’s botanical name). Captivated by
her beauty, Pan, the god of the forests and fields, chased Syringa
through the forest. Frightened by Pan’s affections, Syringa escaped
him by turning herself into an aromatic bush – the flower we now refer
to as lilac.
The 8th wedding anniversary flower and the state flower of New Hampshire (symbolizing the hardy character of the Granite State’s citizens), lilacs are frequently considered a harbinger of spring, with the time of their bloom signaling whether spring will be early or late. In the language of flowers, purple lilacs symbolize the first emotions of love, while white lilacs represent youthful innocence. - LILY: Majesty, wealth, pride, innocence, purity.Dating as far back as 1580 B.C., when images of lilies were
discovered in a villa in Crete, these majestic flowers have long held a
role in ancient mythology. Derived from the Greek word “leiron,”
(generally assumed to refer to the white Madonna lily), the lily was so
revered by the Greeks that they believed it sprouted from the milk of
Hera, the queen of the gods. Lilies are known to be the May birth
flower, and the 30th wedding anniversary flower.
While white lilies symbolize chastity and virtue – and were the symbol of the Virgin Mary’s purity and her role of Queen of the Angels – as other varieties became popular, they brought with them additional meanings and symbolism as well. Peruvian lilies, or alstroemeria, represent friendship and devotion, white stargazer lilies express sympathy and pink stargazer lilies represent wealth and prosperity. Symbolizing humility and devotion, lilies of the valley are the 2nd wedding anniversary flower.
As the flowers most often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. - LILY, WHITE: Purity, modesty, virginity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you. The white lily is linked to Juno, the queen of the gods in Roman mythology, by the story that while nursing her son Hercules, some excess milk fell from the sky creating the group of stars we call the Milky Way, and lilies were created from what milk fell to the earth. The Easter lily is also known as the symbol of the Virgin Mary.
- LILY, ORANGE: flame, I burn for you.
- LILY, YELLOW: I'm walking on air, false, gay.
- LILY OF THE VALLEY: Return of happiness, purity of heart, sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, you've made my life complete, humility, happiness, love's good fortune. The legend of the lily of the valley is that it sprang from Eve's tears when she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It is also believed that this flower protects gardens from evil spirits. Also known as the flower of May.
- lisianthus With a host of names – from Texas Bluebell to Prairie Gentian to
Lira de San Pedro – lisianthus symbolize an outgoing nature. Native to
Texas and Mexico, and descended from a North American wildflower, in
their single-form variety, lisianthus may resemble tulips or poppies.
In their double form, they can take on the appearance of roses or
With wide ruffled, delicate petals and oval leaves, in colors ranging from white to pink, lavender to purple and bicolors such as blue-violet, it’s said that lisianthus also symbolize appreciation.
- LIVE OAK: Liberty.
- LOTUS BLOSSOM: Estranged love.
- MAGNOLIA: Dignity, love of nature, nobility.
- MAPLE: Reserve.
- MARIGOLD: Affection, cruelty, grief, jealousy. The marigold was called Mary's Gold by early Christians who placed garlands of marigolds by statues of the Virgin Mary.
- MARIGOLD, POT: Grief, despair.
- MARJORAM: Blushes.
- MIMOSA: Sensitivity.
- MINT: Virtue, warmth, protection.
- MISTLETOE: Kiss me, affection, to surmount difficulties, sacred plant of India.
- MONKSHOOD: Beware, a deadly foe is near, danger.
- MORNING GLORY: Loves you, affection. Associated with the eleventh wedding anniversary.
- MOSS: Maternal love, charity.
- MUSHROOM: Suspicion.
- MYRRH: Gladness.
- MYRTLE: Love, Hebrew emblem of marriage.
- NARCISSUS: Egotism, conceit, self love, self admiration, formality, stay as sweet as you are. Also known as the birth flower for December.
- NASTURTIUM: Conquest, victory in battle, patriotism. Associated with the fortieth wedding anniversary.
- OAK LEAVES: Bravery, strength, endurance.
- OAK TREE: Hospitality.
- OLEANDER: Caution.
- ORANGE BLOSSOMS/FLOWERS: Purity, innocence, eternal love, marriage, and fruitfulness, fertility, pure loveliness, chastity.
- ORANGE, MOCK: Deceit.
- ORANGE TREE: Generosity.
- ORCHID: Rare beauty, love, refinement, beautiful lady, Chinese
symbol for many children, mature charm, beauty, long life. Associated
with twenty-eighth wedding anniversary. The most highly coveted of ornamental plants, the delicate, exotic
and graceful orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In
ancient Greece, orchids were associated with virility. In fact, Greek
women believed that if the father of their unborn child ate large, new
orchid tubers, the baby would be a boy. If the mother ate small orchid
tubers, she would give birth to a girl.
During the Victorian era, orchid symbolism shifted to luxury, and today this sense of magnificence and artful splendor continues, with orchids representing rare and delicate beauty. The 14th wedding anniversary flower, pink orchids convey pure affection, and the popular cattelya orchid represents mature charm. - PALM LEAVES: Victory, success.
- PANSY: Recipient is being thought about, loyalty. The flower's name comes from the French word pensée which means thought or remembrance. Because pansies often have three colors in one blossom, they have been symbolic of the Trinity. Associated with the first wedding anniversary. Engaged couples placed garlands of pansies around their portraits.
- PAPERWHITE: Aphrodisiac due to its intoxicating scent. It is also another special flower of Wales because it often blooms on March 1st which is St. David's feast day, Wales' patron saint.
- PARSLEY: Festivity, thanks, gratitude.
- PEACH BLOSSOMS: Captive, unequaled qualities, longevity.
- PEAR BLOSSOMS: Affection.
- PEAR TREE: Comfort.
- PEONY: Bashfulness, shame, happy life, happy marriage, good health, prosperity. Associated with the twelfth wedding anniversary. With a recorded history that dates back thousands of years, it’s not
surprising that even the mythology surrounding the origin of the peony
has multiple versions. One legend has it that the peony is named after
Paeon, a physician to the gods, who received the flower on Mount
Olympus from the mother of Apollo. And another tells the story of
that same physician who was “saved” from the fate of dying as other
mortals by being turned into the flower we know today as the peony.
The traditional floral symbol of China, the state flower of Indiana, and the 12th wedding anniversary flower, peonies are known as the flower of riches and honor. With their lush, full, rounded bloom, peonies embody romance and prosperity and are regarded as an omen of good fortune and a happy marriage - PEPPERMINT: Cordiality, warmth.
- PERIWINKLE: Friendship.
- PETUNIA: Resentment, anger, don't despair, your presence soothes me.
- PHLOX: Unanimity, united hearts, united souls.
- PINE: Pity, warm friendship, vigorous life, spiritual energy.
- PINE CONE: Conviviality, life.
- PINEAPPLE: Perfection.
- PINKS: Boldness.
- PLUM TREE: Fidelity, longevity.
- POMEGRANATE: Foolishness, elegance.
- POPLAR: Courage, time.
- poinsettias :Also known as the Christmas Star and Christmas Flower, it’s said that
this winter flower’s association with Christmas comes from a Mexican
legend. The story goes that a child, with no means for a grander gift,
gathered humble weeds from the side of the road to place at the church
alter on Christmas Eve. As the congregation witnessed a Christmas
miracle, the weeds turned into brilliant red and green flowers.
Named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, first United States ambassador to Mexico and the amateur botanist who introduced the plant to the U.S. in 1825, the poinsettia is also known as Mexican Flame Leaf, Winter Rose, Noche Buena and, in Turkey, Atakurk’s Flower, because it was the favorite flower of Atakurk, the founder of modern Turkey.
While considered by the ancient Aztecs to be symbols of purity, in today's language of flowers, red, white or pink poinsettias, the December birth flower, symbolize good cheer and success and are said to bring wishes of mirth and celebration. - POPPY: Eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination. Associated with ninth wedding anniversary.
- POPPY, RED: Pleasure, consolation.
- POPPY, WHITE: Consolation, sleep, rest.
- POPPY, YELLOW: Wealth, success.
Among the oldest families of flowers on earth, dating back 300 million years, Greek legend tells us that protea were named after Proteus, the son of Poseidon. A sea god who had the power to know all things past, present and future, Proteus was defiant and preferred to nap on the island of Pharos rather than prophesize. To deter those seeking his insights, he would change his shape at will, and it’s said that the protea flower was named after him because it, too, presents itself in an astounding variety of shapes, sizes, hues and textures to make up more than 1,400 varieties.
With its mythological associations to change and transformation, it’s not surprising that in the language of flowers, protea symbolizes diversity and courage. - PRIMROSE: Happiness, satisfaction, I can't live without you.
- PRIMROSE, EVENING: Happy love.
- PUSSY WILLOW: Illness recovery.
- QUEEN ANNE'S LACE: Haven.Legend has it that Queen Anne, the wife of King James I, was
challenged by her friends to create lace as beautiful as a flower.
While making the lace, she pricked her finger, and it’s said that the
purple-red flower in the center of Queen Anne’s Lace represents a
droplet of her blood. Also called Wild Carrot (since Queen Anne’s
Lace is the wild progenitor of today’s carrot), Bishop’s Lace or Bird’s
Nest (for the nest-like appearance of the bright white and rounded
flower in full bloom), in the language of flowers, Queen Anne’s Lace
represents sanctuary.
- QUINCE: Temptation.
- RANUNCULUS: You are radiant with charm, radiant charm, attractive.Native to Asia and celebrated for its medicinal properties as well
as its bright beauty, the small camellia-like ranunculus ranges from
white to pink, red to yellow to orange. Also known as Buttercup and
Coyote’s Eyes, legend has it that the mythological Coyote was tossing
his eyes up in the air and catching them when Eagle snatched them.
Unable to see, Coyote created eyes from the buttercup.
In the language of flowers, a bouquet of ranunculus says, “I am dazzled by your charms.”
- RHODODENDRON: Danger, caution.
- RHUBARB: Advice.
- ROSE: Love, passion, perfection. The rose was named for the Latin
word rosa which means red. It has been a symbol of love since ancient
times. Associated with the fifteenth wedding anniversary. It is also
known as the birth flower of June.Long a symbol of love and passion, the ancient Greeks and Romans
associated roses with Aphrodite and Venus, goddesses of love. Used for
hundreds of years to convey messages without words, they also
represent confidentiality. In fact, the Latin expression "sub
rosa"(literally, "under the rose") means something told in secret, and
in ancient Rome, a wild rose was placed on the door to a room where
confidential matters were being discussed.
Each color offers a distinct meaning: red, the lover’s rose, signifies enduring passion; white, humility and innocence; yellow, expressing friendship and joy; pink, gratitude, appreciation and admiration; orange, enthusiasm and desire; white lilac and purple roses represent enchantment and love at first sight. The number of stems in a rose bouquet can also express specific sentiments.
The June birth flower and the 15th wedding anniversary flower, roses are also the national flower of the United States and the state flower of Georgia, Iowa, New York, North Dakota and the District of Columbia. And, not surprisingly, June – the month so often associated with weddings – is National Rose Month. - ROSE, BRIDAL: Love, happiness.
- ROSE, BURGUNDY: Beauty within.
- ROSE, CORAL: Desire.
- ROSE, HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.
- ROSE, LAVENDER: Love at first sight, enchantment.
- ROSE, LEAF: You may hope.
- ROSE, MOSS: Confessions of love.
- ROSE, ORANGE: Fascination, display feeling of enthusiasm.
- ROSE, PEACH: Desire, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, modesty.
- ROSE, PINK: Happiness, appreciation, admiration, friendship, sympathy.
- ROSE, DARK PINK: Thankfulness.
- ROSE, LIGHT PINK: Grace, gladness, joy, perfect happiness, please believe me, gratitude, admiration, gentility.
- ROSE, RED: Love, passion, respect, courage, I love you, beauty, pure and lovely, prosperity.
- ROSE, DEEP RED: Un-selfconscious beauty.
- ROSE, SINGLE, FULL BLOOM: I love you, I still love you, new love.
- ROSE, BUD, SMALL: Pure and lovely, beauty and youth, a heart innocent of love, confession of love.
- ROSE, THORNLESS: Love at first sight.
- ROSE, WHITE: Innocence, purity, secrecy, I am worthy of you, silence, friendship, truth, virtue, girlhood, humility spiritual love, but of the soul, reverence, charm, happy love and national symbol of England.
- ROSE, WHITE, DRIED: Death is preferable to loss of virtue.
- ROSE, YELLOW: Joy, friendship, true love, decrease of love, jealousy, try to care, freedom, slighted love, shows "I care", gladness.
- ROSES, RED & WHITE TOGETHER: Unity, flower emblem of England.
- ROSES, YELLOW & RED TOGETHER: Happiness, congratulations.
- ROSES, YELLOW & ORANGE TOGETHER: Passionate thoughts.
- ROSEMARY: Remembrance, devotion, purity, rebirth.
- SAGE: Virtue.
- SALAL: Zest.
- SCABIOUS: Unfortunate love, widowhood.
- SHAMROCK: Light heartedness, national symbol of Ireland.
- SMILAX: Loveliness.
- SNAPDRAGON: Deception, dazzling, gracious lady, presumption.Derived from the Greek words “anti,” meaning like, and “rhin,”
meaning nose, antirrhinum, the snapdragon’s botanical name, is a
fitting description of this snout-shaped flower. It’s said that the
common name for this colorful flower comes from the snap it makes when
the sides of the “dragon’s mouth” are gently squeezed. While their
actual origin is unknown, it’s believed that snapdragons were originally
wildflowers in Spain and Italy.
Legend has it that concealing a snapdragon makes a person appear fascinating and cordial, and in the language of flowers, snapdragons are said to represent both deception (perhaps tied to the notion of concealment) and graciousness. - SNOWBALL: Bound.
- SORREL: Wit, affection.
- SPEARMINT: Warm sentiment.
- SPIDER FLOWER: Elope with me.
- STATICE: Sympathy, remembrance, success.Grown for both its colorful flowers and its everlasting calyx (the
green leaf that encloses the flower bud), statice is also considered an
herb, referred to as “sea lavender.” Statice is commonly used in
dried flower arrangements as well as fresh bouquets. Its botanical
name is derived from the Greek word “limonium,” meaning meadow,
referring to the plants original habitat and likely why this versatile
flower is also called marsh-rosemary.
With a misty and seafoam appearance (two more names associated with this wildflower-like plant), in the language of flowers, statice symbolizes remembrance. - STEPHANOTIS: Happiness in marriage, desire to travel.
- STOCK: Lasting beauty, bonds of affection, promptness, you'll always be beautiful to me, happy life.A symbol of happy life and contented existence, the stock flower,
with its sweet, heady-scented blooms, is native to Southwestern Greece
and the Mediterranean. Typically found in white, pink, red or lilac,
stock is also called gillyflower or Virginia stock.
- STRAW, BROKEN: Broken contract.
- STRAW, WHOLE: Union.
- STRAWBERRY: Esteem, love.
- SUNFLOWER: Follows the sun as it grows, adoration, haughtiness,
"I don't think there's anything on this planet that more trumpets life
that the sunflower. For me that's because of the reason behind its name.
Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun.
During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun
across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no
matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that's such an
admirable thing. And such a lesson in life." - Chris's (Helen Mirren)
comment in the movie, "Calendar Girls."While their distinctive and brilliant appearance makes it easy to
see why sunflowers have long held our fascination, when they were first
grown in Central and South America, it was more for their usefulness
(providing oil and food) than beauty. And perhaps this unique
combination of striking beauty and utility is, in part, why sunflowers
have appeared as such revered symbols throughout the ages.
It’s said that the natives of the Inca Empire worshipped a giant sunflower, and that Incan priestesses wore large sunflower disks made of gold on their garments. Images of sunflowers were found in the temples of the Andes mountains, and Native American Indians placed bowls of sunflower seeds on the graves of their dead. The Impressionist period of art is famous for its fascination with the sunflower, and this striking flower remains today a commonly photographed and painted icon of uncommon beauty.
The 3rd wedding anniversary flower and the state flower of Kansas, sunflowers turn to follow the sun. Their open faces symbolize the sun itself, conveying warmth and happiness, adoration and longevity. - SWEET BASIL: Good wishes.
- SWEET PEA: Lasting pleasure, good-bye, departure, blissful
pleasure, thank you for a lovely time, I think of you. Supposedly this
delicate flower was named by the poet John Keats. Associated with the
thirtieth wedding anniversary. Also known as the birth flower of April.With its richly colored yet small, delicate flowers, the sweet pea’s
history can be traced back to 17th century Italy, when a Sicilian monk,
Franciscus Cupani, sent its seeds to England. Although that original
sweet pea bore little resemblance to the flower we know today, when
Harry Eckford, a Scottish nurseryman, crossbred the original flower, he
created the colorful, ornamental and sweetly scented sweet pea we know
Ekford’s varieties included the pink Dorothy Eckford, the lavender Lady Grisel Hamilton, the scarlet King Edward VII and perhaps his most famous, the Countess Spencer. Meaning delicate or blissful pleasure in the language of flowers, this enchanting flower remains a favorite fragrant blossom. - SWEET WILLIAM: Gallantry, smile, finesse, grant me one smile.
- SYCAMORE: Curiosity.
- THISTLE: Retaliation, austerity, and national symbol of Scotland.
- THYME: Activity.
- TREE OF LIFE: Old age.
- Tropical Flowers
Native to the Tropics, areas of the world where the sun reaches a point directly overhead at least once during the solar year, tropical flowers are sometimes called exotic flowers because of their association with alluring, lush locations that are warm year-round. In fact, many tropical flowers grown in Hawaii today are thought to have originally come from such extraordinary places as the Amazon Basin in Brazil, the Congo Basin in West Africa and Indonesia.
Meanings vary among the numerous varieties of tropical flowers. Orchids represent luxury and rare beauty, and proteas symbolize diversity and courage. Birds of paradise convey joyfulness while anthuriums send a message of hospitality. But from the sturdy kangaroo paw and tropical bromeliad to the delicate orchid, all tropical flowers share a unique quality – an uncommon, striking spirit that reflects a sense of adventure and singular brilliance. - TRUFFLE: Surprise.
- TUBEROSE: Dangerous pleasure.
- TULIP: Perfect lover, frame, flower emblem of Holland.Originally from Persia and Turkey, tulips were brought to Europe in the
16th century, where they got their common name from the Turkish word for
gauze (with which turbans were wrapped) - reflecting the turban-like
appearance of a tulip in full bloom. By the 17th century, the
popularity of tulips, particularly in the Netherlands, became so great
that the price of a single bulb soared to new heights, causing markets
to crash and putting into motion "tulip mania."
Although different tulip colors carry distinct meanings - yellow tulips symbolizing cheerful thoughts, white conveying forgiveness and purple representing royalty - a Turkish legend may be responsible for the red tulip's symbolism. The story goes that a prince named Farhad was love struck by a maiden named Shirin. When Farhad learned that Shirin had been killed, he was so overcome with grief that he killed himself - riding his horse over the edge of a cliff. It's said that a scarlet tulip sprang up from each droplet of his blood, giving the red tulip the meaning "perfect love."
The 11th wedding anniversary flower, it's said that the tulip’s velvety black center represents a lover's heart, darkened by the heat of passion. With the power to rival roses in their red variety and the sweet charm to express simple joy when yellow, it’s no wonder that in addition to all its other symbolism, in the language of flowers, a tulip bouquet represents elegance and grace. - TULIP, RED: Believe me, declaration of love, fame.
- TULIP, VARIEGATED: Beautiful eyes.
- TULIP, YELLOW: Hopeless love, there's sunshine in your smile.
- TURNIP: Charity.
- VALERIAN: Accommodating disposition.
- VERONICA: Fidelity.
- VINE: Intoxication.
- VIOLET: Modesty, faithfulness, innocence, understated beauty, you're in my thoughts. Worn by the ancient Greeks to induce sleep and to calm tempers. Associated with the fiftieth wedding anniversary. Also known as the birth flower of February.
- VIOLET, BLUE: Watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true.
- VIOLET, PURPLE: Thoughts of you, blue love.
- VIOLET, WHITE: Let's take a chance, youthful innocence.
- VIOLET, YELLOW: Love of country.
- WALNUT: Intellect.
- WATER LILY: Purity of heart.
- WHEAT: Friendliness, riches.
- WILLOW, WEEPING: Mourning.
- WISTERIA: Welcome.
- WITCH HAZEL: A spell.
- WOODBINE: Fraternal love.
- WORMWOOD: Absence.
- XERANTHEMUM: Cheerfulness under adverse conditions.
- YARROW: Healing, sorrow.
- YEW: Sorrow.
- ZEPHYR: Expectation.
- ZINNIA: Thoughts of absent friends, in memory of an absent friend.
- ZINNIA, SCARLET: Constancy.
- ZINNIA, WHITE: Goodness.
- ZINNIA, YELLOW: Daily remembrance.
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